Trumbull Notes

TrumBulletin 9-17-18

I hope all enjoyed the beautiful weekend weather.  (I did think, “This is wonderful. Why wasn’t the sailing trip this weekend?”  But such activities have to be scheduled way ahead of time and weather just happens.  My fingers are now crossed for good weather for our TrumBall.

TrumBulletin 9-10-18

I hope that all have arranged schedules for the semester with which they are happy.  Get those schedules signed and submitted!  I hope you enjoy the learning and I wish everyone the best with their academic work.

As you navigate your courses, focus on the learning.  Don’t worry too much if you hit glitches We all hit glitches.  (If you knew everything why would you be here?)  Remember that we have Trumbull writing and quantitative tutors affiliated with the college.  Make use of their services.

TrumBulletin 8-27-18

To our new Trumbull Class of 2022, welcome!  To all our upperclass Trumbullians, welcome back!

I was here in Trumbull College most of the summer (with the exception of one trip to a conference in Colorado and some vacation with family in Rhode Island.)  Our Dean, our residential fellows, Deb Bellmore, Debbie Rueb and Leah Jehan also have been here much of the summer spending much of their time preparing for your arrival. 

TrumBulletin 4-23-18

Special One-Item TrumBulletin: April 23, 2018

I write about a facilities issue affecting Trumbull (but not Trumbull-in-Bingham Hall). Beginning at the very end of this Tuesday evening (April 24th) meaning midnight and continuing until 6 a.m. the following morning (Wednesday, April 25th) the water in Trumbull-proper will be shut down. (In other words, water is shut down from the very end of tomorrow night (Tuesday) into the early morning hours of Wednesday.)

Trumbulletin 3-31-18

I hope all had a wonderful spring break whether you went home, traveled elsewhere, remained here in New Haven (or combined these options in some way). The Dean, I and our resident fellows all got away a bit ourselves, but we also covered Trumbull making sure someone was always here.

Trumbulletin 3-6-18

Spring break is almost here but, first, we’ll fit in one more snowstorm (it’s coming tomorrow – don’t put your hat and gloves away quite yet) along with just a few more exams and p-sets (don’t collapse just yet).  

TrumBulletin 1-23-18

Welcome back and to the new semester.  I hope you had wonderful breaks with time to reconnect with family members and friends with whom you grew up, time to sleep late and read some things you did not have to read, time get outside (especially for those who come from warmer places but also for those who love winter).  Most of you (not all!) missed some prolonged, bitterly cold weather here along with a “cyclone-bomb” (which was both a new term to me and a new experience as well on Jan. 4th).  It was, in other words, a good time to be away.

TrumBulletin 10-18-17

It’s fall break.  I imagine many of you feel as do I which is, simply:   We need this.  If there’s anything true of Yalies, it’s that you are committed to many activities – academics, of course, but also extracurricular groups, social activities, athletics, etc.  Your daily schedules are packed; commitments sometimes even overlap.

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