The last week of classes is always a very busy and often stressful one for all of us – myself included. For most of you, this will continue through reading week and finals. Take care of yourselves. Watch out for yourselves and your friends and be considerate of all those around you.
I want to briefly address two issues and say that I more than welcome further discussion with all on these issues.
First, I simply want to recognize and acknowledge the distress surrounding the naming decisions that were announced on Wednesday evening. I thank those of you who came to our meeting in the FARR room last evening following the college wide event in Battell. I learned much from those who were there. Know that I really do more than welcome hearing from more of you in whatever form you wish to communicate – by making an appointment with me, via email, or simply by catching me in Trumbull.
I will convey what you say to me in Trumbull to Dean Holloway and to President Salovey while maintaining your confidentiality (my default option) or with identification (if you specifically tell me you wish to be identified). Of course all should feel free to express views.
You’ll also have received an email from our new, incoming, leaders of the TCC, President Diego Fernandez-Pages and Vice-President Colin Burke. They have called for a Trumbull meeting to occur during reading week, next Wednesday in our Common Room. Please come. They have initiated this meeting and they will lead it. I will be present. We all want to hear from you.
Second, as you know, I sent out an email asking people for thoughts and reactions to
noise and partying in Trumbull itself, in Swing Space and in Bingham. I actually heard nothing from people in Bingham. I received a small bit of feedback that Swing Space is generally quiet. I did hear from many people in Trumbull proper. Although one of you caught me in the dining hall and said I would only hear complaints, that wasn’t true. In fact, I heard diverse responses from those in Trumbull College proper. A few celebrated the noise and activity, a few spontaneously acknowledged that they were making the noise with some noting that they had a lack of control over shouting outside their own rooms (in the stair wells where noise reverberates) as well as when party-goers exited the buildings and spilled into the courtyards. Some in Stone Court said they didn’t hear a thing. Yet others did express distress, say they were kept up hours past midnight, say they couldn’t get to sleep or get work done and noted, in some cases, that they had to be up early in the morning either for study or athletic practices. Interestingly some expressed concern about moving to Potty Court next year given noise there.
Be careful and considerate. We are a diverse bunch in terms of attitudes toward noise but we live in close quarters and I emphasize that everyone counts. Be noisy within your own spaces if your group agrees on that; yet please don’t invade others’ spaces. That makes it especially important to attend to your guests’ (and your own) noise making in stairwells and outside in our courtyards. If you are a party goer, please try to exit parties more quietly than has heretofore been the case. (I may be hopelessly optimistic in saying this but I am serious.)
As we enter reading week and finals, know that no parties are allowed in the college.
(Know that you always are supposed to register parties in Trumbull and give us a phone number to call. This makes it possible for us to call you if there are issues and to ask you to address them yourselves.)
All of this is especially important as Spring Fling occurs. Enjoy Spring Fling. Yet don’t forget there are those who choose not to participate. Also watch out for your own health. Watch out for the well-being of those who live close to you. Heavy drinking occurs. Don’t forget Yale’s policy on reporting issues relating to heavy drinking. If someone is in trouble, get them help. You will not get into trouble for doing this.
Pamplona occurs today. It’s in our courtyard. It starts at three p.m. Enjoy it.
We celebrate Dean B and thank her today at Pamplona at 4:00 with cake for all. Please join in.
The FARR room will be open for early morning study tomorrow morning beginning at 7 a.m. For tomorrow, the first person to go in should plug in the coffee pot (it’s all set to go.) The FARR room will not be open for early on Sunday but as we move through Reading and Finals week, it will often be available. Watch your emails.
I offer my very best wishes to all for a successful and an as-low-as-possible-stress reading week and finals.
Seniors, I’m already anticipating missing you all. We’ll be celebrating you next Tuesday.