TrumBulletin Welcome back Trumbullians! I hope your preparation for midterms is enabling you to perform at your best. After these exams, you are officially halfway through the semester! Since my last message was two weeks ago, a few quick updates. Over the fall break, I had a wonderful opportunity to visit with a past Trumbullian Nick Jacobson TC ’23.5, who is running for Pennsylvania State Representative in the 85th district. He has been featured on NewsNation Live and on Washington Post. Let us all wish him well for his campaign. On Saturday evening of 10/12, we had a great turnout for Yom Kippur Dinner at the HoC House, courtesy of Head Fahmeed Hyder and Associate Head Anita Sharif-Hyder as well as Margaret Clark and Fred Polner, past Head and Associate Head. On Monday evening of 10/14 there was a Med School 101 session courtesy of past Trumbullians Rose Bender TC ’19 and Caroline Borden TC ’20. On Friday of 10/18 there was great outing of many Trumbullians who did not get a chance to escape New Haven during fall break. They went to MoMa in New York city, courtesy of Jasmina Besirevic and Matt Regan, both Trumbull Fellows. Yesterday afternoon (10/24), there was a Trumbull College Tea with Laura-Kristine Krause at the HoC House (4-5pm). The attendance was superb with great conversation about polarization in modern day politics. This weekend we host three events, namely this afternoon (2:30-4:30pm) the Rumble in Trumbull at the Courtyard, this evening (8-10pm) the BlackBull Karaoke and Game Night at the TV Room, and on Sunday afternoon (1-4pm) an Apple Picking tour at Norton Brothers, Cheshire, CT. On Monday afternoon (10/28) Trumbull Senators Jessica Nosike TC ’27 & Benjamin Barkoff TC ’27 will be holding another Senator Outreach event called Policy and Popeyes in the Common Room (4-5 pm). They want to give you a chance to fill out the fall survey and enjoy treats from Popeyes and Garden Catering. On Tuesday afternoon (10/29) Graduate Affiliate Nola Sheehan will take a few Trumbullians who sign up to a spine-chilling spooky visit to the eerie Cushing Brain Science Center at the School of Medicine (4-5:30pm). This will be a scientifically inspired pre-Halloween event. On Tuesday evening (10/29) Trumbull’s CCEs will host a Hallo-Movie Night in the TV room (8-10pm) to promote safe behaviors during Hallo-week. Part of this intervention will include a trail-mix making table where they will encourage students to think about their goals and plans for having a fun and safe time during the week’s festivities. On Wednesday evening (10/30) Troy Meggie TC ’27, Writing Tutor Adam Sexton, and Associate Head Anita-Sharif Hyder will host the Trumbull Tellers at the Common Room (7:30-9pm). Please come and share your talent in poetry and reading with some refreshments. Below is the continuing list of events coming up. Since timing of specific events are subject to change, please be on the lookout for emails regarding each event and please note some are by reservation and/or invitation. Please write to me if you would like to feature an event, across all disciplines and crafts, in which you are participating and/or your most recent achievements.
Oct 25th, 2:30-4:30pm Rumble in Trumbull (Courtyard) As you all may already know, the Guild of Carillonneurs are the Yale College students who are responsible for playing the bells of Harkness Tower. Three Trumbullians - one each from classes of ’26, ’27, and ’28 - are performing several nights a week. Jeremy Ng ’26, Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm This is an amazing honor and achievement. We congratulate our fellow Trumbullians for their dedication to a craft form that truly lifts spirits all around campus. A reminder that Trumbull Fellow Joan K. Monin will be hosting Jonathan de Jong, film maker, and Teun Toebes, humanitarian activist, both of whom will be at Yale for a screening of their hugely popular, award winning film called Human Forever. It is about how we need to change the way communities support people living with dementia. Teun (24-year-old nursing student) lives in a dementia care unit in the Netherlands for two years and travels the world (e.g. Moldova, South Africa) to see how communities care for people living with dementia. If you are interested, please register and feel free to continue to spread the word. Finally, beginning on Saturday (10/28), Yale Votes: A Student Initiative will launch the event series Walks to the Polls to lead groups of students to early voting locations in New Haven. Yale Votes, part of the Office of the Secretary and Vice President for University Life, encourages all students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) to use this opportunity to participate in the democratic process with the guidance of student volunteers and the camaraderie of peers and friends. With anxiety over midterms, elections, as well as many ongoing news events, I encourage you to consider many campus-wide resources like Yale College Community Care (YC3) or the Yale Chaplain’s Office should you need some support. With the Halloween being next week, my only advice is to practice good judgement in everything you do and partake in. Be safe. Moo-Rah! Sincerely, Head Hyder
TrumBulletin 10-25-24
October 25, 2024