TrumBulletin. Oct. 7, 2022
Two Trumbull Family Weekend Events
I want to flag two Trumbull events that will occur over the weekend.
#1 Saturday, October 8, From 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Trumbull House (and spilling out into our backyard and courtyard)
We have had no family weekend reception for two years (none in 2020 and only a virtual one in 2021), but we’re thrilled to be hosting one tomorrow in the Trumbull House. There will be plenty of goodies to eat. Please stop by whether your family is here or not.
I know that most of you are used to coming into the House through the back door, but if your family members are here, please enter from Rose Walk through the gate to the House that is there (just beyond the Women’s Table Fountain.
Our Dean and I will be here to greet you and your parents, siblings, grandparents (and other relatives). Weather permitting I’ll be in the walkway between the fancy brass gate and the door to the house.
(If your family members aren’t here and you just want to dash in for a snack or to socialize, the gate from Alvarez Courtyard to the backyard of the House will also be open.)
We hope to see you and your families there!! It’s been waaaayyy too long since we’ve been able to do this.
#2 Sunday, October 9, From 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Trumbull student (and family!) work out in our main courtyard).
We are hosting an outside family weekend workout session in our courtyard.
Free new Trum-Gear will be handed out to each participant. (Head bands & towels)
We’re doing this in honor of our new gym. All Trumbull students are invited. If your family
members are here, have them join in. If your family members are not here, feel free
to bring some friends. This session will be led by Novella Atkinson who is the owner and coach
at a local fitness center. It will be accompanied by music and you need not be in good
shape to participate!
I thank Reese McLeod and Deb Bellmore for their help in organizing this event.
Other things.
I’m a bit late but I wish all our Jewish students the best for a sweet and wonderful new year.
I also just want to express regret that our kayak trip had to be cancelled for the fall (due to the threat of thunder and lightning and the reality of rain and wind) and also that our first Trumbull tea had to be postponed (because the speaker came down with a bad case of the flu.) Both events are being rescheduled. The tea will occur soon; the kayak trip is being rescheduled for the spring.
Finally, whereas the weather is nice now, it’s going to get cold. Those of you from warm climates who are not yet accustomed to New England should be sure you have some warm clothes soon (coat, gloves, hat, boots). You will need them! It is not rare for it to snow in Oct.; it will snow in November. If finances are an issue, let us know. We like our Trumbullians to be warm.