Trumbulletin 11-19-21

November 19, 2021

TrumBulletin for Friday, November 19th 

I wish all of you a wonderful visit to The Game tomorrow (if you’re going) and a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. 

Cheer hard.  It’s the one time I do not suggest wearing Trumbull Gear. (We share Harvard colors!). Wear Yale gear – lots of blue and white.  Cheer hard.  Cheer especially hard for our Trumbullian players.  They are David Pantelis, Darrion Carrington, Kevin Jourdain, Reid Nickerson, Melvin Rouse, Mason Shipp, Sean Sullivan, and Rodney Thomas.

Please do be careful.  I worry about you all and your safety. The night before the Game and Game-Day can be a time of heaving drinking. That means, of course, that it can be a dangerous time.  Please, please, please use caution.  Moderation is wise. Not drinking is just fine.  As always watch out for one another.  If someone needs help, call for it.  You’ll not get in trouble. They will not get in trouble. 

Then enjoy the break whether you stay here in Trumbull or travel home or elsewhere.  I hope all who go to the special dinner at the Omni on Thanksgiving enjoy it.

Ordinarily I would be both at the Game and at the Trumbull Thanksgiving dinner but I am expecting a new grandchild to arrive within a day or two so I will, likely, miss both as I too visit family.  (I do have a good excuse.)

Thanks to our dining staff!

I want to give a special thanks to our dining hall staff who prepared and presented a wonderful Thanksgiving special dinner last evening. 

Thanks to our Trumbull artist.

I also want to thank Leo Egger who, after receiving a CPA award, spent much of his pandemic year painting.  He provided us with a wonderful show in our Trumbull art gallery.  Leo had not done much painting before receiving that award; I was very impressed. 

(We have additional painters.  The art gallery is for you to show your work.  If anyone wishes to put up a show by themselves or with others, please let me know.  We’ll make it happen.)


The pandemic is still with us BUT our many arts groups have been allowed to perform in person after a full year and a half of not being able to do so.  Our athletes can once again have audiences.   We have so very many very talented Trumbullians.  I was really happy over the last week to see some of you perform. 

Society of Orpheus and Bacchus.  Last Tuesday the SOBs had their first performance after a long-pandemic time.  They sang with masks on; they kidded one another with masks on.  They were good and funny and I loved watching them perform.  Of course the best members in the group (I’m not at all biased!) were Trumbullians:  Congratulations to Winston Venderbush (who sang and also served as the emcee) and Jesse Chen and Kiscada Hastings. 

Yale Symphony Orchestra.  Last Saturday the Yale Symphony Orchestra held their second performance of the year.  The audience was limited but Associate Head Polner and I were pleased to be able to go (and we really wished all families of the players had also been able to go.) The concert was wonderful.  I loved every minute of it.  Congratulations to Trumbullians Sophie Usherwood (flute), Phoebe Liu (violin), Annette Kim (violin), and Matthew Miller (oboe).  (For those of you who practiced in the Trumbull House prior to your auditions, I thank you. Just hearing those practices was a privilege for me.)

The Dramat.  Finally, I had the good fortune of securing tickets to see the Dramat’s production of Cabaret.  The Dramat group worked so very hard especially in the week leading up to the opening of a production.  Jordi Bertrán Ramírez - it was great to see you on stage as the emcee and first performer and to hear your wonderful voice.  The same goes for Sophia DeVito (playing the role of Frenchie). I must say, Sophia, you had a whole new persona!! It was definitely not your typical FroCo!  Congratulations also go to Samuel Ostrove (who served as the sound engineer) and to Noah Vinogradov (who played as one of the musicians). 

I’m hoping to get to more shows and athletic events as well after break.  I can’t make it to every one but please do let me know when you have events coming up. Attending them is one of my favorite things to do.

Our Dean Chandhoke has attended some of those and was even an honorary Bulldog for the women’s basketball team.  (That’s fitting as she was a basketball player herself at one time.)
I want to catch up with her!

And, to all:  If I ever leave someone off my thanks and congratulations please let me know.  Just send me an email.

Again, Happy Thanksgiving to all.