TrumBulletin: Friday Feb. 11, 2022
I hope everyone is back now and enjoying in-person classes (even though you have more walking to do than before and increased mask-wearing time!).
Cases of Co-Vid have taken a jump here (as people traveled back to campus as expected and as some mask-less social activities happened here in New Haven). Be careful. Be considerate of others around you. Dodge the virus as best you can.
It was wonderful for our Dean and I to, once again, enjoy an in person Mellon dinner and Forum in the Trumbull House and to hear four of our seniors present their theses. They all did a terrific job. I thank our Mellon Forum leader Adam Sexton for his leadership, Brandon Tong for his great job coordinating media needs and in doing so including some introducers and audience members who could not be there and Debbie Rueb who always makes sure we have food to eat and Karen Eisenman who always sets the House up for the Mellon Forum and makes sure the food that Debbie orders is out and hot and ready for us.
I also thank all those who have applied to be next year’s First Year Counselors. Dean Chandhoke and I look forward to talking to each one of you very soon.
Finally, I want to alert all of you to four upcoming events:
A Super Bowl event in the Dining Hall, Sunday, Feb. 13th beginning at 7 p.m. We’ll screen the Super Bowl on the big screen in our dining hall beginning at 7 p.m. (More thanks go to Brandon Tong for overseeing the mechanics of this!). It will start a bit after the game actually starts because the Dining Staff must manage dinner before this starts. There will be snacks available in the Dining Hall.
A Valentine’s Event in the Common Room around dinner time on Monday, Feb. 14th. With the exception of the Mellon Forum (for which I had to secure special permission to serve food in the House), I’m not allowed to serve food there until Feb. 21st. (After that, more events in the House will take place.) But we can’t miss Valentine’s Day. We’ll have snacks and candy and other goodies available for you to adopt to celebrate Valentine’s Day in our Common Room.
Stop by and adopt what appeals to you. We’ll also hold a raffle for a few things as well. Bowls will be out there. Put your name in if you want to join the raffles.
A Trumbull fellows’ meeting to which we can invite a couple of students. On Thursday, Feb. 24th, a small Fellows’ meeting will take place in the house. We’ll host a dinner and our new Trumbull Residential Fellow, Aristotelis Dimitrakopoulos, will speak about his architectural work afterwards. If you have an interest in dining with a few of our Trumbull Fellows and in architecture and would like to attend, please email me directly (
The IRIS run for refugees. We are once again sponsoring Trumbull students in IRIS’s run for refugees. We are allowed to do the 5K virtual run. Here are the directions to sign up:
Sign Up at:
Use the following code to sign up: Trumbull2022
Registration ends February 13, 2022 at 11:59pm EST