TrumBulletin 2-28-25

February 28, 2025

February 28, 2025

Hello Trumbullians!

With two more wins last weekend at home, Yale’s Men’s Basketball team remains unbeaten in the Ivy League Conference. They have two more games away at Dartmouth and Harvard this weekend. Go Bulldogs!

The Winter Season of IM sports is in full swing, with MHOOPS (Men’s Basketball), CHOOPS (co-ed basketball), WHOOPS (women’s basketball), BROOMBALL (basically hockey without skates), and DODGEBALL (I trust you are all familiar). Thanks to those at the Yale Computer Society, you can now track rankings for the Tyng Cup, browse scores and schedules, and compete to predict game outcomes! Trumbull is ranked well overall, but the IM secretaries have a lot planned for IM participants (new merch, fun parties with free food, more of the old merch), so please get involved. Moo-Rah!

Feb 28th, 7:30-9pm      Trumbull Tellers with Troy Meggie ’27 (Common Room; Poetry reading and more)
Mar 1st, 6 am-4pm       Trumbull Ski Trip (Sundown CT; Resident Fellows Teresa Chahine, Nils Rudi)
Mar 3rd, 6-8pm             Mellon Forum (HoC House, Seniors only)
Mar 4th, 4-5pm            Tea with journalist Gina Chua (Common Room)
Mar 4th, 6:30-9pm       Iftar (HoC House; by signup only)
Mar 6th, 6:30-9pm       Iftar (HoC House; by signup only)
Mar 10th-21st                Spring Break (Be Safe & Have Fun!!)
Mar 24th, 6-8pm          Mellon Forum (HoC House, Seniors only)
Mar 25th, 6:30-9pm     Iftar (HoC House; by signup only)
Mar 31st, 11am-3pm   Eid Open House (HoC House; by signup only)
Apr 4th, 12-1pm           Tea with activist Shani Dhanda (Common Room)
Apr 7th, 4-pm               Tea with architect Yasmeen Lari (HoC House)
Apr 8th, 4-pm               Tea with journalist Sam Sifton (HoC House)
Apr 11th, 10:30pm      Spring Formal (NOA)
Apr 21st, 6-8pm           Mellon Forum (HoC House, Seniors only)
Apr 25th, 3-5pm          Pamplona (Main Courtyard)

Alex O’Sullivan ’26 would like you to know that today (2/28) at from 2:30-4pm, Yale’s Generational African American Students Association is hosting a teach-in with community historian Jill Snyder to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the last slave auction on the New Haven Green which took place on March 8th, 1825. The final enslaved people sold were Lucy and Lois Tritton, a mother and daughter. They were sold to a local abolitionist, Anthony P. Sanford, for the price of $10 and then immediately emancipated by Sanford. Come to the Afro-American Cultural Center to learn more about this day and community efforts to honor the lives of Lucy and Lois Tritton.

Kira Tang ’27 would like you to know that on Saturday (3/1) at Woolsey Hall the Davenport Pops Orchestra is back with their largest concert of the year! For their 20th anniversary concert, they will feature songs from Wicked and Kiki’s Delivery Service! They will also play songs by Laufey, selections from the soundtrack of Undertale, songs from Les Misérables, and “Africa” by Toto (featuring DPops’ very first conductor)! To attend the in-person concert, you must register for this event on YaleConnect through your personal YaleConnect account. Under the YaleConnect page you will find two registration options: (1) General Admission, which is open to the public, allowing attendees to choose up to five tickets for family and friends. (2) Ushers, open ONLY to Yale students who are interested in ushering for the concert. Doors to Woolsey Hall open at 2:30pm.

Gus Renzin ’27 would like you to know that the annual Kesem at Yale Make the Magic fundraiser is on Saturday, April 5th from 6pm-9pm at the New Haven Country Club! If you are unfamiliar with who they are, Kesem is a national non-profit organization that supports children through and beyond a parent’s cancer. Their chapter serves over 125 kids in New Haven and throughout the northeast, providing year-round peer support and holding a week-long summer camp in August. Due to the financial stress that many families may face, camp is provided at no cost. However, this would not be possible if it weren’t for their generous donors and fundraising events. This is where our Make the Magic Fundraiser comes in! Every dollar spent at Make the Magic goes directly toward making camp and our year-long support happen. It costs over $500 to send one kid to camp, and every dollar counts to make the Kesem magic happen! Tickets are out now and they can be purchased at this link. Let Gus Renzin ’27 know if you have any questions.

Gus Renzin ’27 would like you to know that there is a Targeted Math Support Volunteer Opportunity at Augusta Lewis Troup, located only a 15-minute walk from cross campus. Augusta Lewis Troup is a K-8 public neighborhood school. Due to systemic inequities and chronic under-resourcing, only 2% of students are on grade level in math, but the Troup family is dedicated to meaningful improvement. They are looking for Yale volunteers to join the effort by providing targeted math support to second and third grade students who have fallen furthest behind. The second-grade math block is from 8:45-9:45, and the third-grade math block is from 10:15-11:15. They ask that volunteers commit to at least 1 hour-long tutoring session per week where they will work through targeted lessons (provided by the Troup team) with groups of between one and three students. If interested, please reach out to Gus Renzin ’27 (Troup’s Dwight Hall Public School Intern).

The Laura Bassi Scholarship, which awards a total of $8,000 thrice per annum, was established in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed. The scholarships are open to every discipline and the next round of funding will be awarded in Spring 2025 with March 31st application deadline and results posted by April 11th. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV through the application portal by the deadline. Further details, previous winners, and the application portal can be found here.

The second annual National Essay Contest is open to any U.S. citizen enrolled for undergraduate study at an accredited American college or university. Winners receive $3,000 for 1st place, $1,000 for 2nd place, or $500 for 3rd place, and are invited to the Buckley Institute’s Annual Conference here in New Haven in the fall to receive their prize. This year’s contest honors the centennial of the life of William F. Buckley, Jr. Essays are due by 11:59pm PST on April 15th, 2025, and more details can be found here

Seniors, if you are considering various career options and graduate programs, please consider the Silver Scholars Program at the Yale School of Management, a unique MBA experience for ambitious college seniors. This program allows college seniors to earn a Yale MBA degree in three years directly after graduation, spring-boarding them toward their career goals and leadership positions. Candidates of all majors are welcome to apply. There will be an information session about the Silver Scholars Program in Evans Hall on Tuesday, March 4th  at 6pm where admissions officers from Columbia Business School, Harvard Business School, Kellogg School of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, Stanford Graduate School of Business, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, UCLA Anderson School of Management, University of Virginia Darden School of Business, the Wharton School of Management, and the Yale School of Management will discuss the value of pursuing an MBA as an undergraduate student. 

Trumbull Fellow John Kao is looking to hire a person who is web/social media savvy for a small but tasty project. Please send particulars to John Kao.

As I wish you continued good luck for the semester, please consider keeping healthy due to bugs going around!


Head Hyder