Hello Trumbullians!
I hope all had a good week. The Tea-like event organized by Trumbull’s own Dr. Nils Rudi last Friday evening on “Tennis, Math, and Structural Discrimination?” had a great turnout! While on Sunday afternoon most Trumbullians in New Haven were subject to heavy downpour, some fortunate Trumbullians enjoyed beautiful weather on a sailing trip in Mystic with Margaret Clark and Fred Polner, previous Head and Associate Head. By late Sunday evening, high numbers of CPA award applications were received. On Tuesday the Ceramics Studio officially opened, with many thanks to Thais Shepard, Nicole Sonnert and Erin Chong for their generosity in time. On Thursday evening, the Grad Affiliate Dinner at the HoC House was featured Moroccan food. We are extremely grateful to the Grad Affiliates for contributing to many TC events.
Please note that Friday late afternoon into the evening there is a bike race (the New Haven Grand Prix https://www.newhavengp.com), so please be careful of speeding bikes and closed roads. Also coming up thing weekend, please be on the lookout for potentially more heavy rain due to Hurricane Lee making landfall north of CT. Finally, a heads up about the Swensen Fellow in Strategic Analysis https://swensenfellows.yale.edu with applications due October 2nd.
Congrats Trumbullians on a great first week of IMs! Early in the week, we saw awesome victories in table tennis and flag football, with victories soon to come in our other sports once the rainy days stay away for a little bit longer. The IM players of the week are Kira Tang and Eric Yoon. On Tuesday evening, these two fantastic first-year’s showed up to their first IM table tennis competition to play their first ever competitive doubles match. The last pair to finish their match, they had a captive audience as they pulled away with a decisive win against TD’s players and secured a 4-2 Trumbull win! Great job, Kira Tang and Eric Yoon! On Thursday evening, the TC team made it to 3-3 with Hopper, but unfortunately, lost due to a tie breaker of games won/lost. It was great team effort, nonetheless. Below is a list of IM events coming up next week.
Monday |
Soccer vs Saybrook at 4pm at the D North Fields |
Tuesday |
Flag Football at 4pm vs Murray at the D South Fields |
Wednesday |
Spikeball vs Saybrook at 4pm on the Morse-Stiles crescent |
Thursday |
Cornhole vs Morse at 4pm at the Morse-Stiles crescent |
Below is the continuing list of events coming up. Since timing of specific events are subject to change, please be on the lookout for emails regarding each event and please note some are by reservation and/or invitation.
Sep 18th, 7-8pm Self Defense Training with Christopher Adamchek (TC Dance Studio)
Sep 22nd, TBD “A Haunting in Venice” movie night organized by Grad Affiliates
Sep 25th, 7:45-9:30pm Yom Kippur Celebration (Head’s House)
Sep 25th, 7-8pm Self Defense Training with Christopher Adamchek (TC Dance Studio)
Sep 26th, 7-8pm Law School Q&A organized by Grad Affiliates (TC Common Room)
Sep 28th, 4-5pm Tea with Federica Du Pasquier, Yale World Fellow (Head’s House)
Sep 28th, 10:30pm-1am TC Council Dance
Sep 30th, 12-4pm Submarine Tour (Groton, CT)
Oct 2nd, 7-8pm Self Defense Training with Christopher Adamchek (TC Dance Studio)
Oct 7th, 3-4:30pm Family Weekend Reception (Head’s House)
Oct 9th, 7-8pm Self Defense Training with Christopher Adamchek (TC Dance Studio)
Oct 10th, 4-5pm Tea with Wake Smith, Yale School of the Environment (Head’s House)
Oct 15th, depart 12:15pm Apple Picking at Norton Brothers (12-3pm; Cheshire, CT)
Trumbullians please be considerate of our shared spaces. Let’s keep these spaces free of debris, as trash belongs in their proper containers, be it the Courtyard, the Study, the Buttery etc. Also, please be mindful of hygiene for surfaces and equipment in common spaces (e.g., gym). These simple practices will keep us healthier living together.
I remind you about seeking out resources. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am available to meet in-person at the Head’s Office most Wednesdays and Fridays, so please drop by but please check with Reese McLeod first, or just write to me.
Have a recuperative weekend and a productive next week.