Trumbulletin 9-18-20

September 18, 2020

TrumBulletin for September 18th

Let me start today’s TrumBulletin by sending best wishes for a sweet and wonderful New Year to all our Jewish Trumbullians. Of course, beyond that, I wish all of Trumbull a sweet year as well.

Rosh Hashanah begins this evening at sunset. In the afternoon I will be putting some (individually wrapped!) rugelach out on trays (under out tent) in our courtyard. All are welcome to help themselves. For some of you this will be your first High Holiday away from your families and you’re not allowed to travel home this year. Be sure to get in touch with them! I am confident they will appreciate it.

First Year Dinners

We’re hosting a new version of our first-year dinner this year. It will be spread out across three evenings: Sept. 20, 21, and 22 (Monday through Wednesday, of next week.) We’re (that means Karen Eisenman, our service assistant and I) are setting up tables for you in the back yard and entrance way to the Trumbull House – with tablecloths, flowers and Trumbull plates. Meanwhile, Debbie Rueb (our Senior Administrative Assistant in the Head’s office) is ordering food from a local restaurant and sparkling cider as well. We’ll have special desserts.  There will be a raffle at each dinner for some Trum-Gear.

If you are studying from a distance? You were included too.  Please email Debbie at if you have not filled out the survey that was due this morning and she’ll send you the zoom link. You’ll be included in our raffles as well.

(To our Trum-Fro Co’s:  Please be in touch with Debbie regarding dinner next week.  You can split into two groups for two different nights).

Trum-Introductions (and prizes)

Thanks to all who attended our Trum-Introductions last evening at 7. P.m. Several of you answered the questions on our Trum-Quiz correctly and I will be in touch with each of you to ensure that you receive your Trum-Mug or Trumbrella as requested. If you are studying at a distance, don’t worry, we’ll mail your item to you.

Continuing To Be Safe

Our initial quarantining is over. We’ve made it through with no cases of CoVID within our Trumbull residences. Yet there have been a few cases in our larger community and in Yale as a whole and most of those who have tested positive were surprised – they had no striking symptoms at least until after their positive test. (You can track what is happening yourself by going to:

Especially given that arrival quarantining has ended and during weekends it is tempting to gather in larger-than-recommended groups. Don’t!  Just don’t.  Continue to wear your masks and continue to socially distance and be sure to keep up to date with your daily health checks and testing.

There were groups that had to be broken up on Cross Campus and on Old Campus last weekend.

TCC - Trumbull College Council

Our TCC has run its new elections. I don’t know who has won. Yet I thank the TCC for continuing its work and to all who ran for this group. You’ll need special inventiveness this year but, as always, you’ll have a budget to spend and Trumbullians to serve along with my gratitude.

Trumbull IM’s

IMs will begin very soon. The games represented have changed but we hope your Trum-Spirits have not. You have represented Trumbull well. We have won the Tyng Cup twice in recent history.

Watch for notices about upcoming games.  Continue to practice spike ball in our courtyard! We’ll order IM t-shirts and gear for you. Our IM secretaries will keep you informed about upcoming games. Don’t worry a bit if you’ve never played pickle ball or bocci (or whatever) before!  It doesn’t matter.  All are welcome and encouraged to participate.

The games this year include:

Outdoor IMS

Spikeball (practice in the courtyard!)

Cornhole (practice in the courtyard!)


Bocci (soon you’ll be able to practice in the courtyard; we ordered a set)


Indoor IMS

Pickle ball (I’m going to see if we can have a “clinic” for people to learn this; if you’re good with racquet sports, you can do this! If you’re not, don’t worry. It’s fun.)


Table Tennis (practice in the Buttery!)

Mellon Forum

Seniors:  We will be conducting the Senior Mellon Forum this year (led by Prof. Sexton). We will be having special, catered, dinners served in one way or another during the evenings Mellon Forum meetings.  We want to hear about your senior research and capstone projects (along with hearing about any special challenges to those projects given the pandemic.). You’ll receive an email soon.  Please do apply.