Trumbull Notes

Trumbull Notes 9-14-15

A New Year

It’s Rosh Hashanah. I wish all our Jewish students, resident fellows (and my own husband) a very happy and very, very sweet New Year.

We have tickets (free to you) for High Holy Day services for the Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 13-15) and Yom Kippur, Sept. 22-23. Notify Margaret Clark if you want tickets.

The semester is well underway. I wish the entire college a wonderful new academic year. Don’t forget to get those schedules signed and submitted!!!!


Trumbull Notes 9-9-15

I hope settling in, shopping period, and, especially for those new to campus, choosing extra-curricular activities and getting to know people here are all going well. For the next couple days I know that there will be very hot weather. This may be difficult. Do come over to the college and use our cooler spaces. This will pass.

Master's Notes 4-27-15

Markers of another year completing are passing quickly.  Classes are over, reading week is here, finals, senior week and graduation will be here in a flash.

The goals for this week are simple:  Get work done, stay sane, and get some sleep.  The FARR room will be open every morning with breakfast items and space to study from 6 a.m. at least until the dining room opens at 8 a.m. 

There will be many study breaks in the evenings. Take breaks to get some exercise.  Whine a little and be sympathetic to others’ whining but stay on task.  Keep things quiet so all can work. 

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