TrumBulletin 12-1-23
December 1, 2023
Hello Trumbullians!
December 1, 2023
Hello Trumbullians!
November 17, 2023
Hello, Trumbullians!
November 10, 2023
Hello Trumbullians!
After an exhausting week away, I am reinvigorated by you and your enthusiasm and energy.
Friday afternoon’s Rumbull in Trumbull, organized by TCC, was a huge success! Students and other Trumbull folks enjoyed mini golf, music, Trumbull merchandise, and other goodies. Thanks to all who contributed and participated!
November 3, 2023
Hello Trumbullians! I hope you are doing well, as I write this note during my journey across the Bavaria regions in Germany. Despite being away - with help from Anita Sharif-Hyder (Associate Head), Reese McLeod (Senior Administrative Assistant II), and Deborah Bellmore (Assistant Director of Operations) - I have tried to keep a pulse on the goings-on at Trumbull.
Welcome back Trumbullians! We are officially halfway through the semester!
Greetings Trumbullians!
Wherever you may be, I hope that you are safe and recuperating after midterms. Trumbull College feels very different with so many Trumbullians away. Importantly, I am informed that ongoing repairs affecting Entryways A-H and the HoC Office suite are to be completed by this weekend.
TrumBulletin, October 13, 2023
Hello Trumbullians!
TrumBulletin, October 6, 2023
Hello Trumbullians!
Wow, we are in October already, which means midterms are near. It is in these circumstances that I encourage cautious time commitments, and I also highly recommend finding a moment to take a break. Trust your preparation, and the rest will take care of themselves.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Hello Trumbullians!
September 22, 2023
Hello Trumbullians!