Trumbull Notes

TrumBulletin 10-15-21

TrumBulletin (weekend edition, Oct. 15, 2021)

Savor the good weather while it lasts.   Enjoy your weekends even as I know well that everyone is facing mid-term tests, p-sets and papers being due.  Oct. break will soon be here.

Please sign the cards (now in the dining room) for our recently retired, long term, Trumbullian Dining Staff members!

Trumbulletin 8-30-21

TrumBulletin for Monday, August 30, 2021

Welcome new Trumbullians!!  Welcome back established Trumbullians!

First of all, welcome to our new Trumbull Class of 2025!  I’m so sorry that the weather was so rotten on the Monday many of you moved in (way too wet; way too hot) as well as rotten last Friday when many of the rest of you moved in (then it was just plain too hot.). I’m happy that the weather is better now.

Trumbulletin 5-18-21

We’ve made it (almost) to the end of the academic year and to the end of our pandemic year.

You’ve been wonderful and I hope we’re back to normal when you return.

As you move out, keep a couple of things in mind.

Our dining hall will close at the end of the day tomorrow (Wednesday).  Our underclass people, of course, do not have to leave the college until 2 p.m. on Thursday.

 We’ll have coffee, juice and breakfast times available in the courtyard on Thursday morning and some snacks at noon as well. 

Trumbulletin 5-10-21

TrumBulletin for May 10, 2021

Classes are over and we’re already into reading week.  We still have CoVID restrictions but we do have a bit more flexibility now.  As you finish up work this week and prepare for, and then take, finals we want to support you.

Trumbulletin 4-7-21

It’s April.  Spring has been a long time coming.  Its arrival is always welcome yet that’s especially true this year given all the CoVID restrictions and rules to which we’ve all had to adhere.  I know well that work loads are still high and end of the term senior theses and papers remain due but at least you can get outside more.  We are still restricted in what we can do socially but we’ll all be working to provide as many breaks and as much support as we can.

Trumbulletin 2-22-21

I hope you all are enjoying the first break day of the semester and that all will be doing something to relax.  As those of you who are enrolled in person and are using the dining hall in Trumbull will realize by now (assuming you haven’t slept late and missed both breakfast and lunch!), I decided to celebrate this first break day by making a variety of games, puzzles, art materials, and food items available to you all as you pass through the Common Room. The idea is just to be light hearted and to do something different today. 

Letter from Head Clark

Dear All,

I write because, after all of you received a notice about our empty rooms in Trumbull remaining empty and being locked, concerns arose about facilities people entering your suites thereby breaking Quarantine and Pod regulations.  I also write just to convey some information about why these rooms are off limits and about keeping us all safe. 

Trumbulletin Snow Storm Edition 2-1-21

EATING IN TRUMBUL during the snowstorm:  The dining hall will close today after lunch and remain closed until tomorrow’s lunch.  This is to allow all workers to get safely home and to stay safe during the current snowstorm.  You will already have been notified but I remind you to pick up lunch, dinner (for tonight) and breakfast (for tomorrow morning), at lunch today.  (In other words, even if you might have skipped lunch today, don’t!  You’ll need to pick up food to carry you through the storm especially because we can

Trumbulletin Snow Storm Edition 2-1-21

EATING IN TRUMBUL during the snowstorm:  The dining hall will close today after lunch and remain closed until tomorrow’s lunch.  This is to allow all workers to get safely home and to stay safe during the current snowstorm.  You will already have been notified but I remind you to pick up lunch, dinner (for tonight) and breakfast (for tomorrow morning), at lunch today.  (In other words, even if you might have skipped lunch today, don’t!  You’ll need to pick up food to carry you through the storm especially because we can

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